Flames of War Late War

Flames of War Late War is a miniatures wargame that covers the period of 1944 t0 1945 of the Second World War (WW2). Including the Battle of the Bulge and Road to Berlin.

287 Items
German 21st Panzerdivision Army Deal
US 2nd Armored Division Army Deal
British 7th Armoured Division Army Deal
German Panzer Lehr Division Army Deal
American Spearhead Force Bulge Army Box
British Bulge Comet Armoured Squadron
British Bulge Comet Armoured Squadron
D-Day British Starter Force
German Heavy Tank-Hunter Kampfgruppe
German Heavy Tank-Hunter Kampfgruppe
German Panzer Kampfgruppe Army Deal

German Panzer Kampfgruppe Army Deal. June 2019 release.

German Tank Training Company
German Tank-hunter Kampfgruppe Late War Army Set
Hungarian Assault Gun Battery Starter Army
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