Flames of War Late War

Flames of War Late War is a miniatures wargame that covers the period of 1944 t0 1945 of the Second World War (WW2). Including the Battle of the Bulge and Road to Berlin.

287 Items
Battle for Berlin: Ace Campaign
Battle for Berlin: Ace Campaign
Battle of the Bulge Ace Campaign Card Pack
Battle of the Bulge Ace Campaign Card Pack
Berlin: German Unit Cards
Bloody Omaha Ace Campaign Card Pack
Bloody Omaha Ace Campaign Card Pack
Bulge: German Unit Cards
Crusader Armoured AA Platoon
Crusader Armoured AA Platoon
Daimler Armoured Car Troop
Finnish SMG Platoon
Finnish SMG Platoon
Hitlerjugend Platoon
Hitlerjugend Platoon
Jeep Recce Troop / SAS Section
M4 Sherman (105mm) Assault Gun Platoon
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