Flames of War Late War

Flames of War Late War is a miniatures wargame that covers the period of 1944 t0 1945 of the Second World War (WW2). Including the Battle of the Bulge and Road to Berlin.

287 Items
Berlin: Soviet Unit Cards
Berlin: Soviet Unit Cards
Bulge British Unit Card Pack
Bulge British Unit Card Pack
D-Day British Unit Card Pack
D-Day British Unit Card Pack
Escort Platoon
Escort Platoon
Fallschirmjager Assault Rifle Platoon
Fallschirmjager Assault Rifle Platoon
Maksim Machine-Gun Company (Plastic)
Maksim Machine-Gun Company (Plastic)
Panzergrenadier Company HQ (Plastic)
Soviet Guards Tokens (x20) and Objectives (x2)
Soviet Guards Tokens (x20) and Objectives (x2)
SS Panzergrenadier Platoon (30 figs Plastic)
Late War German Loose Sprues
Late War German Loose Sprues
From  £6.40
Auster OP Observation Post
Auster OP Observation Post
Bagration: German Command Cards
Bagration: German Command Cards
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