Team Yankee

Based on the book written by Harold Coyle in 1987, Team Yankee brings the conflict that simmered throughout the Cold War to life in a game by Battlefront Miniatures of Flames of War fame, where you command your troops in miniature on a realistic battlefield.

266 Items
Warsaw Pact Forces Army Book
Warsaw Pact Forces Army Book
Wiesel FK 20mm Flugabwehr Zug
Wiesel FK 20mm Flugabwehr Zug
World War III: Israeli Forces
World War III: NATO Forces
World War III: NATO Forces
World War III: Nordic Forces
World War III: Nordic Forces
World War III: Red Dawn
World War III: Red Dawn
World War III: Soviet
World War III: Soviet
WWIII:  British Army Book
WWIII: British Army Book
WWIII: American Forces Army Book (2020)
WWIII: American Forces Army Book (2020)
WWIII: West German Army Book
WWIII: West German Army Book
American Mech Platoon -2024
American Mech Platoon -2024
Armoured Infantry Platoon (x29 Figures)

29 Dutch Infantry.

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