Team Yankee

Based on the book written by Harold Coyle in 1987, Team Yankee brings the conflict that simmered throughout the Cold War to life in a game by Battlefront Miniatures of Flames of War fame, where you command your troops in miniature on a realistic battlefield.

259 Items
Abbot Field Battery

Abbot 105mm SPGs.

AMX Roland SAM Battery (x4)

4 Resin & Metal SAMs

AMX-10 RC Cavalry Platoon (x4)

Four plastic AMX10 RC Recon Vehicles

Grizzly Transports
Iraqi VCR/TH HOT Anti-tank Platoon
M247 Sergeant York AA Platoon

Four Resin Yorks.

M48 Chaparral Battery

Four Resin Chaparral's.

M48 Chaparral SAM Platoon
Rakentenwerfer Batterie (x3)

Raketenwerfer Batterie

RDF/LT Assault Gun Platoon (x5)
Soviet ASU-85 Assault Gun Company
Swedish PBV 302 Platoon
Swedish PBV 302 Platoon
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Holiday Notice

We are now officially on holiday for Christmas and New Year.

We will be back to work on the 6th of January.

Last minute orders for final shipping is Saturday the 21st.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and best

wishes for the New Year.